The Royal British Legion STOP PRESS
The amount raised at the coffee morning on Friday 8th November was £162.75.
Many thanks to all who supported the event.
Peter Brinck 01935 891822 or
The Royal British Legion
On Saturday 6th April the four remaining members, and one of their partners, of the old Halstock Branch joined the Beaminister Branch for their monthly breakfast at the Greyhound pub. It is a very popular event and I think every seat in the pub was taken. A very good breakfast was enjoyed by all a raffle had been organised which raised £120 for the Legion. In recent years the Branch has struggled with lack of members but with some new blood there has been a dramatic change.
They now have many events planned for the future and the next most important is the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day and as soon as I get more information I will let you know. They also have a monthly social evening in the Fleet Club which we have been to on a few occasions.
Peter Brinck 01935 891822 or
The Halstock Branch of the Legion was officially closed on the afternoon of Saturday 2nd of December when a good number of people gathered at St Juthware & St Mary church. We were pleased to welcome a representative from the county committee as well as members from the Beaminster Branch of the Legion. Our standard Bearer was flanked by two escorts down the aisle where The Standard was handed to the Rev. Daniel Ingles for safe keeping by the church. This may be the end of the Halstock Branch but we still have a Poppy Appeal Organiser so we will still be raising funds in the years to come.
It seems a long time ago that I was talking about the last year’s Poppy
Appeal but now all the counting has been done and I can let you know the results.
The Coffee Morning raised £200.71, the church collection was £445.90, and
the collecting boxes raised £3,425.98 and a final grand total of £3,871.88. This year the boxes had a QR code on them, any money donated by using the QR code will be credited to this area’s
total but will not be known until January.
Once again I would like to thank everybody who helped with the appeal but I would like to give special thanks to Ros Kanter who set up the wonderful window display at the shop.
Peter Brinck
November 2023
The Royal British Legion News
Every year we hold a coffee morning on the Friday before Remembrance Sunday
in aid of the Poppy Appeal. This year it will be held on Friday 10th November at 10.30am at Dosie in Adams Green by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Jakeman. There will be the
usual bring-and-buy, cakes and raffle, any donations would be gratefully received.
The Remembrance Service this year will be held at 10.30am at St Osmund,
I can now give you more details regarding the laying-up of the Branch
Standard which will mark the official closure of the Halstock Branch. There will be a short service at St. Juthware and St. Mary church Halstock. The service will be at 2pm on Saturday
2nd December. Everybody is very welcome.
As I said last month we can still raise money for the Poppy Appeal so my
next task is to fill about 50 boxes with Poppies which will be taken out to all the villages in our area. Boxes will be placed in shops, pubs, schools and hotels as well as the house-to-house
collecting we do. If you would like to help with this collecting please get in touch with me.
Peter Brinck 01935 891822 or