Halstock & District Gardening Club


The Halstock & District Gardening Club organise talks on gardening and related topics.  It also arranges visits the gardens which may be using members' own transport if local or coach if the visit is further away.  The membership fee is £5 per year which entitles you to attend any of the talks and visits and as we are a member of Castle Gardens Gold Club there is a discount evening at Castle Gardens and discount vouchers at other times of the year.  A summer Flower Show is held each year on the same day as the Village Fete.


We are affiliated to the RHS, the Somerset Federation of Gardening Clubs and the Dorset Federation of Horticultural Societies.


We welcome non-members to all of the talks and visits, the entrance fee for the talks is £3 for members and £4 for non-members. The cost of visits will of course vary but there will be a lower cost for members.  If you would like to join the club, or become a member of the committee, please contact Diana Staines distaines19@gmail.com for more information.  




Pictures from Members Tea Party at Hector's New Field

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